TCVN 3890:2023 National technical standard on Fire protection – Fire protection equipments for building & construction equipment, installation

TCVN 3890:2023 is issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology together with Decision 261/QD-BKHCN promulgating TCVN 3890:2023 dated February 28, 2023 and supersedes TCVN 3890:2009.

This standard prescribes:

- This standard provides for installation and equipment of fire protection equipment, fire protection systems for buildings, constructions, urban areas, economic zones, industrial parks, industrial clusters, export-processing zones, hi-tech zones and other dedicated areas as prescribed, when:
+ The construction is carried out;

+ The renovation aims to increase scale or repurpose rooms, buildings & constructions;

+ The renovation aims to increase scale of economic zones, industrial parks, industrial clusters, exportprocessing zones, hi-tech zones and other dedicated areas according to regulations.

+ Fire and explosion hazard classes of rooms, buildings and construction are changed in a manner that increases the fire hazard.

- In addition to complying with this standard, buildings and constructions shall comply with the technical regulation or standard specific to each type of building/construction. In the case of any discrepancy between this standards and other regulations, the more stringent regulations shall prevail.
- For buildings and constructions on which specific regulations are unavailable, foreign or international fire safety standards may be applied in accordance with prevailing regulations or guidelines of the ministerial fire authority.

The Standard comes into force from the date of signing.

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